Electronic and Photonic

  1. Strong long-wave infrared optical response in a topological semiconductor with a Mexican-hat band structure,
    Mark J. Polking, Haowei Xu, Raman Sankar, Kevin Grossklaus and Ju Li, Physical Review B 111 (2025) 085101.

  2. Approaching coupled-cluster accuracy for molecular electronic structures with multi-task learning ,
    Hao Tang, Brian Xiao, Wenhao He, Pero Subasic, Avetik R. Harutyunyan, Yao Wang, Fang Liu, Haowei Xu and Ju Li, Nature Computational Science (2025) 10.1038/s43588-024-00747-9.

  3. Scaled vertical-nanowire heterojunction tunnelling transistors with extreme quantum confinement,
    Yanjie Shao, Marco Pala, Hao Tang, Baoming Wang, Ju Li, David Esseni and Jesús A. del Alamo, Nature Electronics (2024) s41928-024-01279-w.

  4. Electrically driven long-range solid-state amorphization in ferroic In2Se3,
    Gaurav Modi, Shubham K. Parate, Choah Kwon, Andrew C. Meng, Utkarsh Khandelwal, Anudeep Tullibilli, James Horwath, Peter K. Davies, Eric A. Stach, Ju Li, Pavan Nukala and Ritesh Agarwal, Nature (2024) s41586-024-08156-8.

  5. Superconductivity and Pronounced Electron-Phonon Coupling in Rock-Salt Al1-xO1-x and Ti1-xO1-x,
    Pjotrs Zguns, Nuh Gedik, Bilge Yildiz and Ju Li, Advanced Electronic Materials (2024) 2400141.

  6. Precise Fermi level engineering in a topological Weyl semimetal via fast ion implantation,
    Manasi Mandal, Abhijatmedhi Chotrattanapituk, Kevin Woller, Lijun Wu, Haowei Xu, Nguyen Tuan Hung, Nannan Mao, Ryotaro Okabe, Artittaya Boonkird, Thanh Nguyen, Nathan C. Drucker, Xiaoqian M. Chen, Takashi Momiki, Ju Li, Jing Kong, Yimei Zhu and Mingda Li, Applied Physics Reviews 11 (2024) 021429.

  7. Thousands of conductance levels in memristors integrated on CMOS,
    Mingyi Rao, Hao Tang, Jiangbin Wu, Wenhao Song, Max Zhang, Wenbo Yin, Ye Zhuo, Fatemeh Kiani, Benjamin Chen, Xiangqi Jiang, Hefei Liu, Hung-Yu Chen, Rivu Midya, Fan Ye, Hao Jiang, Zhongrui Wang, Mingche Wu, Miao Hu, Han Wang, Qiangfei Xia, Ning Ge, Ju Li and J. Joshua Yang, Nature 615 (2023) 823.

  8. Giant room-temperature nonlinearities in a monolayer Janus topological semiconductor,
    Jiaojian Shi, Haowei Xu, Christian Heide, Changan HuangFu, Chenyi Xia, Felipe de Quesada, Hongzhi Shen, Tianyi Zhang, Leo Yu, Amalya Johnson, Fang Liu, Enzheng Shi, Liying Jiao, Tony Heinz, Shambhu Ghimire, Ju Li, Jing Kong, Yunfan Guo and Aaron M. Lindenberg, Nature Communications 14 (2023) 4953.

  9. Dynamics of PSG-Based Nanosecond Protonic Programmable Resistors for Analog Deep Learning ,
    M. Onen, J. Li, B. Yildiz, and J. A. del Alamo, International Electron Devices Meeting IEDM 125 (2022) 10.1109/IEDM45625.2022.10019365.

  10. Nanosecond protonic programmable resistors for analog deep learning,
    Murat Onen, Nicolas Emond, Baoming Wang, Difei Zhang, Frances M. Ross, Ju Li, Bilge Yildiz and Jesus A. del Alamo, Science 377 (2022) 539-543.
    New hardware offers faster computation for artificial intelligence, with much less energy by Adam Zewe | MIT News Office.

  11. Nonlinear nonreciprocal photocurrents under phonon dressing,
    Haowei Xu, Hua Wang and Ju Li Physical Review B 106 (2022) 035102.

  12. Generalized Wilson loop method for nonlinear light-matter interaction,
    Hua Wang, Xiuyu Tang, Haowei Xu, Ju Li and Xiaofeng Qian, npj Quantum Materials 7 (2022) 61.

  13. Abnormal nonlinear optical responses on the surface of topological materials,
    Haowei Xu, Hua Wang and Ju Li, npj Computational Materials (2022) 111.

  14. Pure spin photocurrent in non-centrosymmetric crystals: bulk spin photovoltaic effect,
    Haowei Xu, Hua Wang, Jian Zhou and Ju Li, Nature Communications 12 (2021) 4330.

  15. Light-Induced Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect on the 2D Surfaces of 3D Topological Insulators,
    Haowei Xu, Jian Zhou and Ju Li, Advanced Science 8 (2021) 2101508.

  16. Light-induced static magnetization: Nonlinear Edelstein effect,
    Haowei Xu, Jian Zhou, Hua Wang and Ju Li, Physical Review B 103 (2021) 205417.

  17. Giant Photonic Response of Mexican-Hat Topological Semiconductors for Mid-infrared to Terahertz Applications,
    Haowei Xu, Jian Zhou, Hua Wang and Ju Li, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 11 (2020) 6119-6126.

  18. Normal-to-topological insulator martensitic phase transition in group-IV monochalcogenides driven by light,
    Jian Zhou, Shunhong Zhang and Ju Li, NPG Asia Materials 12 (2020) 2.

  19. First-principles investigation of monatomic gold wires under tension,
    Lianhua He, Fang Liu, Ju Li, Gian-Marco Rignanese and Aihui Zhou, Computational Materials Science 171 (2020) 109226.

  20. High temperature ferromagnetism in pi-conjugated two-dimensional metal–organic frameworks,
    Wenbin Li, Lei Sun, Jingshan Qi, Pablo Jarillo-Herrero, Mircea Dinca and Ju Li, Chemical Science 8 (2017) 2859-2867.

  21. Conetronics in 2D metal-organic frameworks: double/half Dirac cones and quantum anomalous Hall effect,
    Menghao Wu, Zhijun Wang, Junwei Liu, Wenbin Li, Huahua Fu, Lei Sun, Xin Liu, Minghu Pan, Hongming Weng, Mircea Dinca, Liang Fu and Ju Li, 2D Materials 4 (2017) 015015.

  22. Topological semimetal to insulator quantum phase transition in the Zintl compounds Ba2X(X = Si,Ge),
    Ziming Zhu, Mingda Li and Ju Li, Physical Review B 94 (2016) 155121.

  23. Triple Point Topological Metals,
    Ziming Zhu, Georg W. Winkler, QuanSheng Wu, Ju Li and Alexey A. Soluyanov, Physical Review X 6 (2016) 031003.

  24. Ruddlesden–Popper perovskite sulfides A3B2S7: A new family of ferroelectric photovoltaic materials for the visible spectrum,
    Hua Wang, Gaoyang Gou and Ju Li, Nano Energy 22 (2016) 507-513.

  25. Lithium-Boron (Li-B) Monolayers: First-Principles Cluster Expansion and Possible Two-Dimensional Superconductivity,
    Chao Wu, Hua Wang, Jiajia Zhang, Gaoyang Gou, Bicai Pan and Ju Li, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 8 (2016) 2526-2532.

  26. Does p-type ohmic contact exist in WSe2-metal interfaces?,
    Yangyang Wang, Ruo Xi Yang, Ruge Quhe, Hongxia Zhong, Linxiao Cong, Meng Ye, Zeyuan Ni, Zhigang Song, Jinbo Yang, Junjie Shi, Ju Li and Jing Lu, Nanoscale 8 (2016) 1179-1191.

  27. Modelling of stacked 2D materials and devices,
    Xiaofeng Qian, Yangyang Wang, Wenbin Li, Jing Lu and Ju Li, 2D Materials 2 (2015) 032003.

  28. Effect of twin boundaries and structural polytypes on electron transport in GaAs,
    Xiaofeng Qian, Mitsumoto Kawai, Hajime Goto and Ju Li, Computational Materials Science 108 (2015) 258-263.

  29. Proximity-Driven Enhanced Magnetic Order at Ferromagnetic-Insulator-Magnetic-Topological-Insulator Interface,
    Mingda Li, Cui-Zu Chang, Brian. J. Kirby, Michelle E. Jamer, Wenping Cui, Lijun Wu, Peng Wei, Yimei Zhu, Don Heiman, Ju Li and Jagadeesh S. Moodera, Physical Review Letters 115 (2015) 087201.

  30. Experimental Verification of the Van Vleck Nature of Long-Range Ferromagnetic Order in the Vanadium-Doped Three-Dimensional Topological Insulator Sb2Te3,
    Mingda Li, Cui-Zu Chang, Lijun Wu, Jing Tao, Weiwei Zhao, Moses H. W. Chan, Jagadeesh S. Moodera, Ju Li and Yimei Zhu, Physical Review Letters 114 (2015) 146802.

  31. Topological crystalline insulator nanomembrane with strain-tunable band gap,
    Xiaofeng Qian, Liang Fu and Ju Li, Nano Research 8 (2015) 967-979.

  32. Layer-Dependent Modulation of Tungsten Disulfide Photoluminescence by Lateral Electric Fields,
    Zhengyu He, Yuewen Sheng, Youmin Rong, Gun-Do Lee, Ju Li and Jamie H. Warner, ACS Nano 9 (2015) 2740-2748.

  33. All-Metallic Vertical Transistors Based on Stacked Dirac Materials,
    Yangyang Wang, Zeyuan Ni, Qihang Liu, Ruge Quhe, Jiaxin Zheng, Meng Ye, Dapeng Yu, Junjie Shi, Jinbo Yang, Ju Li and Jing Lu, Advanced Functional Materials 25 (2015) 68-77.

  34. Quantum spin Hall effect in two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides,
    Xiaofeng Qian, Junwei Liu, Liang Fu and Ju Li, Science 346 (2014) 1344-1347.

    New 2-D quantum materials for nanoelectronics by David L. Chandler | MIT News Office.

  35. Tunable Exciton Funnel Using Moire Superlattice in Twisted van der Waals Bilayer,
    Menghao Wu, Xiaofeng Qian and Ju Li, Nano Letters 14 (2014) 5350-5357.

  36. Tailoring Exciton Dynamics by Elastic Strain-Gradient in Semiconductors,
    Xuewen Fu, Cong Su, Qiang Fu, Xinli Zhu, Rui Zhu, Chuanpu Liu, Zhimin Liao, Jun Xu, Wanlin Guo, Ji Feng, Ju Li and Dapeng Yu, Advanced Materials 26 (2014) 2572-2579.

  37. Direct Observation of Metal-Insulator Transition in Single-Crystalline Germanium Telluride Nanowire Memory Devices Prior to Amorphization,
    Pavan Nukala, Rahul Agarwal, Xiaofeng Qian, Moon Hyung Jang, Sajal Dhara, Karthik Kumar, A. T. Charlie Johnson, Ju Li and Ritesh Agarwal, Nano Letters 14 (2014) 2201-2209.

  38. Strain-engineered artificial atom as a broad-spectrum solar energy funnel,
    Ji Feng, Xiaofeng Qian, Cheng-Wei Huang and Ju Li, Nature Photonics 6 (2012) 866-872.

    News & Views: OPTICAL MATERIALS: Inspired by strain,
    Arend van der Zande and James Hone, Nature Photonics 6 (2012) 804-806.

  39. Simulations and generalized model of the effect of filler size dispersity on electrical percolation in rod networks,
    Rose M. Mutiso, Michelle C. Sherrott, Ju Li and Karen I. Winey, Phys. Rev. B 86 (2012) 214306.

  40. The Possibility of Chemically Inert, Graphene-Based All-Carbon Electronic Devices with 0.8 eV Gap,
    Jing Shan Qi, Jian Yu Huang, Ji Feng, Da Ning Shi and Ju Li, ACS Nano 5 (2011) 3475-3482.

  41. Electrical Percolation Behavior in Silver Nanowire­Polystyrene Composites: Simulation and Experiment,
    Sadie I. White, Rose M. Mutiso, Patrick M. Vora, David Jahnke, Sam Hsu, James M. Kikkawa, Ju Li, John E. Fischer, and Karen I. Winey, Advanced Functional Materials 20 (2010) 2709-2716.

  42. Quasiatomic orbitals for ab initio tight-binding analysis,
    Xiaofeng Qian, Ju Li, Liang Qi, Cai-Zhuang Wang, Tzu-Liang Chan, Yong-Xin Yao, Kai-Ming Ho and Sidney Yip, Physical Review B 78 (2008) 245112.

  43. Near-neutrality of oxygen molecule adsorbed on Pt(111) surface,
    Liang Qi, Xiaofeng Qian and Ju Li, Physical Review Letters 101 (2008) 146101.

  44. Multiple Self-Localized Electronic States in Trans-Polyacetylene,
    Xi Lin, Ju Li, Clemens J. Forst and Sidney Yip, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 103 (2006) 8943-8946.


  45. Time-dependent density functional theory with ultrasoft pseudopotentials: Real-time electron propagation across a molecular junction,
    Xiaofeng Qian, Ju Li, Xi Lin and S. Yip, Physical Review B 73 (2006) 035408.

  46. Controlling Bending and Twisting of Conjugated Polymers via Solitons,
    Xi Lin, Ju Li and Sidney Yip, Physical Review Letters 95 (2005) 198303.

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  47. Polaron-Induced Conformation Change in Single Polypyrrole Chain: An Intrinsic Actuation Mechanism,
    Xi Lin, Ju Li, Elisabeth Smela and Sidney Yip, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 102 (2005) 980-985.

  48. Ideal shear strain of metals and ceramics,
    Shigenobu Ogata, Ju Li, Naoto Hirosaki, Yoji Shibutani and Sidney Yip, Physical Review B 70 (2004) 104104. (Shearability/)

  49. Ideal pure shear strength of aluminum and copper,
    Shigenobu Ogata, Ju Li and Sidney Yip, Science 298 (2002) 807-11.
