Please cite our paper if you use subroutines in this package. Thanks.
Xiaofeng Qian,
Ju Li, Liang Qi, Cai-Zhuang Wang,
Tzu-Liang Chan, Yong-Xin Yao, Kai-Ming Ho, and Sidney Yip,
"Quasiatomic orbitals for ab initio tight-binding analysis",
Phys. Rev. B 78 (2008) 245112
[---Source code of our new QO method will be released soon. (QO Data Archive) ---]
[---Source code of the original QUAMBO method is released.---]
Purpose: create extended cfg from CAMPOS/Dacapo's netcdf output Usage: dacapo2cfg nc_fname cfg_dir_name dacapo2cfg nc_fname [with default cfg_dir: Dacapo2Out]Note: you can use AtomEye to visualize the generated cfg file.
Purpose: create template python script for CAMPOS/Dacapo DFT calculation. Usage: cfg2dacapo cfg_fname kspacingxA (potdir=/usr/local/dacapo/DACAPOPATH) or, cfg2dacapo cfg_fname kspacingxA potdir (e.g. ~/dacapo/DACAPOPATH)Note: you need to edit potential file names in the generated python script, since thoes names provided by the Dacapo package are quite different.
Xiaofeng Qian, Ju Li, Liang Qi, Cai-Zhuang Wang, Tzu-Liang Chan, Yong-Xin Yao, Kai-Ming Ho, and Sidney Yip.
Last update: 3/25/2008