Total number of MD steps: 1 Starts property averaging at step: 0 Load configuration from file ('NULL'->start anew): NULL NTH or NTS mode, VOLUMETRIC or free: NTS VOLUMETRIC Default schedule of the reference unit cell [A]: 5.2897 0. 0. 5.2897 0. 5.2897 Default multiplications of the unit cell (also structure factor): 6 6 6 In NTH, use the above H schedule instead of the configuration file: Yes Default external stress [MPa] schedule: 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. Save configuration on file: perfect.woon Pair potential to be used ('LJ6_12' or 'WOON'): WOON Request calculating thermal conductivity and shear viscosity? Yes MAX_STRAIN for strain-triggered bin re-partition: default MAX_DRIFT for particle re-anchoring: default GRCUT for g(r) calculation [A]: default Temperature [K] schedule: 0. Integration timestep size [fs]: 3.0 Temperature coupling time constant [ps]: 5.0 Wall mass [Argon atomic mass]: 500. Frequency of output on screen and disk: 1000 Random number generator seed (0->time seed): 0