Name of configuration (->*, default=Data/perfect.woon): default Pair potential to be used (LJ6_12 or WOON): WOON Load configuration from file (default=*): default Atom index and Cartesian direction for LDOS: 0 1. 0. 0. Save LDOS on file (default=*.ldos): default Supercell k-point sampling file (if numeric then apply random sampling in BZ, default=Kpts/sckpt.8): Kpts/sckpt.8 Ignore dynamical matrix components smaller than (THz^2): 0.0001 Minimum (base) frequency (THz): 0.01 Maximum frequency (THz): 2.1 Shift the spectrum by (THz): 0.3 Twist period of spin-wave amplitude encoding: 100000 Number of steps of a period for the maximum frequency: 3 To run on how many processors: 2 Work load of the master process (default = {1., 0.98, 0.98, 0.98, 0.98, 0.98, 0.98, 0.98}): default Frequency of getting reported (in Gflop) (NULL=don't, default=0.5 Gflop): default Random number generator seed (0->time seed): 0