To relax (0) a built-in defect (1) a user-defined configuration: 1 Name of the defect configuration (->*): ../Data/config.amorphous User-defined configuration file that could be read in (default=*): default Pair potential to be used (LJ6_12 or WOON): WOON constant_H or constant_S mode: constant_S Default reference unit cell (11,12,13,22,23,33) [A]: 5.948271674 0. 0. 5.948271674 0. 5.948271674 Default multiplications of the unit cell: 6 6 6 In constant_H mode, use the above? Yes Default external stress (11,12,13,22,23,33) [MPa]: 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. Index of the built-in defect that could be relaxed: (0. perfect_crystal 1. vacancy 2. interstitial) 0 Amplitude of random position perturbations (in lattice constant): 0.01 Random number generator seed (0->time seed): 0 Minimization tolerance: 0.000000001 Save to .pdb files the particle positions around iatom (-2=don't, -1=use_default) within R[A], before (default = *.u) and after relaxation (default = *.r): 0 10.0 default default Save screen output to file (default=*.out, NULL=don't): default Save optimized configuration on file (default=*, NULL=don't): config