program likheng ctc c Space group finder/checker for crystalline structures c Christmas 1990 c c convention {R|t}r = Rr + t ctc implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) parameter(nal=200,na=200) dimension a(3,3),coor(na,3),id(na),x(3),org(3) dimension rot(3,3),bvec(3,3) dimension dex(nal),irank(nal),index(nal) dimension idxx(nal) dimension cx(nal,3),cxx(nal,3),cyy(nal,3),dx(nal,3) dimension gro(48,3,3), dxt(48,3) common/rl/aij(3,3) common /traf/ ro(48,3,3), tnp(48,3),ntrans character*5 grponc data small/1.d-10/, zero/0.d0/ c234567 c open(unit=5,file='groupin',status='old',form='formatted') c open(unit=6,file='groupout',status='unknown',form='formatted') c c read in lattice vectors and atomic positions c read(5,*) iguess,ipr read(5,*) (org(j),j=1,3) read(5,*) ((a(i,j),j=1,3),i=1,3) czw write(6,*) ' origin ' czw write(6,611) (org(j),j=1,3) czw write(6,*) ' a vectors ' czw write(6,610) ((a(i,j),j=1,3),i=1,3) call rla(a) 612 format(3f10.8,i5) czw write(6,*) ' atomic positions (in lattice coordinates) ' read(5,*) natom if( stop do 12 i=1,natom read(5,*) (coor(i,j),j=1,3), id(i) do 122 j=1,3 coor(i,j) = coor(i,j) - org(j) 122 continue do 123 j=1,3 if( abs(coor(i,j)) .gt. 1.d0 ) then czw write(6,*) ' please put atoms inside unit cell ' stop endif if( coor(i,j).lt. 0.d0) coor(i,j) = coor(i,j) + 1.d0 123 continue czw write(6,612) (coor(i,j), j=1,3), id(i) 12 continue c c read in or generate operations, "rotation" part only c if(iguess.eq.1) then call autogen else call trafo endif c c generate a cluster c nn12 = 100*100 nn1 = 100 iall = natom if( stop do 22 j=1,natom do 24 k=1,3 24 cx(j,k) = coor(j,k) dex(j) = cx(j,1)* nn12 + cx(j,2)*nn1 + cx(j,3) 22 continue 20 continue c c order the cluster in some way c call tri(dex,index ,natom,irank) c czw write(6,*) ' cluster after ordering ' czw write(6,*) ' no of atoms in cluster = ', natom do 40 i=1,natom ii = index(i) do 44 k=1,3 cxx(i,k) = cx(ii,k) idxx(i) = id(ii) 44 continue czw write(6,460) (cxx(i,k),k=1,3),idxx(i),dex(ii) 40 continue 460 format(3f10.5,i5,f20.5) c c loop over rotation c ngroup = 0 nonsym = 0 do 80 ng=1,ntrans czw write(6,*) ' ' czw write(6,*) ' operation no ', ng czw write(6,610) ((ro(ng,i,k),k=1,3),i=1,3) if( then call checkgr(ng,iflag) czw if( czw $ write(6,*) ' not group operation for lattice, iflag=', iflag if( goto 80 endif do 82 i=1,natom c c operate on the atoms in the cluster c do 822 j=1,3 cx(i,j) = zero do 822 k=1,3 cx(i,j) = cxx(i,k)*ro(ng,k,j) + cx(i,j) 822 continue c c translate back to first quadrant c do 824 k=1,3 if( cx(i,k) .lt. 0.d0 ) cx(i,k) = cx(i,k) + 1.d0 824 continue 82 continue c c find all possible non-primitive translations c nany = 1 do 86 i=1,natom do 862 k=1,3 c//sign tt = cxx(i,k) - cx(nany,k) dx(i,k) = round(tt,1) czw if( abs(dx(i,k)). gt. 0.90) write(6,*) tt 862 continue 86 continue c c see if any of the non-primitive translations is good c do 88 j=1,natom czw if(ipr.eq.1) write(6,8661) (dx(j,k),k=1,3) do 882 i=1,natom do 884 k=1,3 c//sign tt = cx(i,k) + dx(j,k) cyy (i,k) = round(tt,2) 884 continue dex(i) = cyy(i,1)* nn12 + cyy(i,2)*nn1 + cyy(i,3) 882 continue c c order them c call tri(dex,index ,natom,irank) c c see if the transformed cluster (rotation + translation) is equivalent c to the original cluster c nogood = 0 c- check species first do 83 i=1,natom ii = index(i) if(idxx(i).ne.idxx(ii)) then nogood = 1 goto 833 endif 83 continue c- then check position do 84 i=1,natom ii = index(i) cc if(idxx(i).ne.idxx(ii)) nogood = nogood + 1 do 842 k=1,3 del = cxx(i,k) - cyy(ii,k) del = abs(del) if( 1.d-5 .or. abs(del-1.d0).lt. 1.d-5) goto 842 nogood = nogood + 1 842 continue czw if(ipr.eq.1) czw $ write(6,8662) (cyy(ii,k),k=1,3),idxx(ii),(cxx(i,k),k=1,3),idxx(i) 84 continue 8661 format(' dx ', 3f10.5) 8662 format(3f10.5,i5,3f10.5,i5) 833 continue if(nogood.eq.0) indtr = j if(nogood.eq.0) goto 888 88 continue 888 continue if(nogood.eq.0) then ngroup = ngroup + 1 czw write(6,6101) (dx(indtr,k), k =1,3) do 900 i=1,3 dxt(ngroup,i)=dx(indtr,i) do 900 j=1,3 gro(ngroup,i,j)=ro(ng,i,j) 900 continue sum = abs(dx(indtr,1)) + abs(dx(indtr,2)) + abs(dx(indtr,3)) if( nonsym=nonsym + 1 else czw write(6,*) ' not a group operation for the basis ' endif 80 continue 610 format(3f10.5) 6101 format( ' [',3f10.5,' ]') 611 format(8f10.5) czw write(6,*) ' ' czw if(iguess.eq.1) then czw write(6,*) ' no of operations allowed in autogen ', ntrans czw else czw write(6,*) ' no of operations checked from input ', ntrans czw endif czw write(6,*) ' no of group operations found ', ngroup czw write(6,*) ' no of symmorphic group operations ', ngroup-nonsym c c write in format suitable for TRAFO input c czw write(6,*) ' ' czw write(6,*) ' for TRAFO input ' grponc='group' write(6,6010) ngroup write(6,6011) (((gro(i,j,k),k=1,3),j=1,3),i=1,ngroup) czw write(6,6012) ( ( dxt(i,l),l=1,3),i=1,ngroup ) 6010 format ( i3 ) 6011 format ( 18f4.0 ) 6012 format (8f10.5 ) czw the following three lines added by C. Z. Wang. read (5,*) read (5,*) ((bvec(i,j),j=1,3),i=1,3) write(6,777) ((bvec(i,j),j=1,3),i=1,3) 777 format (3f8.4) stop end double precision function round(tt,mm) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) t = tt n = t if( t .lt. 0.d0 ) n = n - 1 round = t - n if(mm.eq.2.and. abs(round-1.d0) .lt. 1.d-6) round = 0.d0 return end subroutine checkgr(ng,iflag) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) common /traf/ ro(48,3,3), tnp(48,3),ntrans dimension rot(3,3) data small / 1.d-8/ c c check if the input operation (1) constitute a lattice transformation c (2) norm-conserving (proper or improper) c c step (1) : iflag = 0 do 135 i=1,3 do 135 j=1,3 rot(i,j)=ro(ng,i,j) kr = rot(i,j) if( abs( kr - rot(i,j) ) .gt. small) iflag = 1 135 continue if(iflag.eq.1) return c step (2) call unita(rot,iu) if( iflag = 2 return end c subroutine trafo implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c c subroutine reads and write s transformation matrices t c and non-primitive translations tnp c common /traf/ t(48,3,3), tnp(48,3),ntrans c 10 format ( a5, i3 ) 11 format ( 18f4.0 ) 12 format(8f10.5 ) 20 format (30x,38htransformation matrices of point group,a5,1x,22hin &lattice coordinates/ 29x,68(1h-) //// ) 23 format(3(7x,3f4.1//) ) 21 format(5x,i5,3f10.4/) 24 format ( 1h1 ) 25 format(35x,49hnon-primitive translations in lattice coordinates/34 &x,51(1h-)///) 26 format (2x,12i10//) 27 format ( 5x,12f10.4 ) c read(5,10) grponc, ntrans read(5,11) (((t(i,j,k),k=1,3),j=1,3),i=1,ntrans) c read(5,12) ( ( tnp(i,l),l=1,3),i=1,ntrans ) iprin = 0 c write(6,20) grponc czw write(6,*) ' no of operation read in from trafo =', ntrans if(iprin.eq.0) return czw write(6,25) do 89 mm=1,ntrans czw write(6,21) mm,(tnp(mm,ll),ll=1,3) czw write(6,23) ((t(mm,jj,kk),kk=1,3),jj=1,3) 89 continue return end c c double precision function prosca ( a,b,gij ) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c c subroutine calculates scalar product in arbitrary metrik c dimension a(3), gij(3,3), b(3) prosca = 0.d0 do 1 j = 1,3 do 1 i = 1,3 prosca = prosca + a(i) * gij(i,j) * b(j) 1 continue return end subroutine rla(a) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c form the metrix matrix dimension a(3,3) common/rl/aij(3,3) do 10 i=1,3 do 10 j=1,3 aij(i,j) = 0.d0 do 10 k=1,3 aij(i,j) = aij(i,j) + a(i,k)*a(j,k) 10 continue return end subroutine autogen implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) common/rl/aij(3,3) common /traf/ ro(48,3,3), tnp(48,3),ntrans dimension x(3),nc(3),rot(3,3),xx(3,27,3) data small/1.d-5/ c c try to guess the group operations, by finding those operations that c are "norming preserving", it will then be tested in the main routine c to select a subset that is the symmetry group c c step 1 : select lattice vector transformation that preserves length c for the 3 lattice vectors, this is a necessary condition c c n=1 should be good enough if a 'sensible' unit cell is chosen c if funny unit cells are chosen, larger n's are needed c n = 1 do 5 nx = 1,3 do 8 j=1,3 8 x(j)= 0.d0 x(nx)= 1.d0 ddv = prosca(x,x,aij) ic = 0 do 10 n1 = -n, n do 10 n2 = -n, n do 10 n3 = -n, n x(1) = n1 x(2) = n2 x(3) = n3 dd = prosca(x,x,aij) if( abs(dd-ddv).gt. small) goto 10 ic = ic + 1 do 102 j=1,3 102 xx(nx,ic,j)= x(j) 10 continue nc(nx) = ic 5 continue c czw write(6,*) ' subroutine autogen: ' czw write(6,*) ' no of norm-conserving transformation for lat vec' czw write(6,*) (nc(i),i=1,3) czw write(6,*) ' all together ', nc(1)*nc(2)*nc(3) c c step 2 : construct transformation matrices from lattice vector c transformations found in step 1, and select those that are 'norm-conserving' c ntrans = 0 do 40 ix=1,nc(1) do 40 iy=1,nc(2) do 40 iz=1,nc(3) do 42 j=1,3 rot(1,j) = xx(1,ix,j) rot(2,j) = xx(2,iy,j) rot(3,j) = xx(3,iz,j) 42 continue call unita(rot,iu) if( goto 40 ntrans = ntrans + 1 if( then czw write(6,*) ' ntrans too large ' stop endif do 44 i=1,3 do 44 j=1,3 ro(ntrans,i,j) = rot(i,j) 44 continue czw write(6,*) ' ntrans=', ntrans czw write(6,610) ((rot(i,k),k=1,3),i=1,3) 610 format(3f10.5) 40 continue return end c subroutine unita(r,iu) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c c check if operation 'r' is norm-conserving c r A A+ r+ = A A+ , where A+ = A transpose c where AA+ = aij = metric matrix of lattice vectors c common/rl/aij(3,3) dimension r(3,3),ar(3,3) do 10 i=1,3 do 10 j=1,3 ar(i,j) = 0.d0 do 20 k1=1,3 do 20 k2=1,3 ar(i,j) = ar(i,j) + r(i,k1) * r(j,k2) * aij(k1,k2) 20 continue 10 continue iu = 1 do 30 i=1,3 do 30 j=1,3 if( abs( aij(i,j)-ar(i,j) ) .gt. 1.d-8) iu = 0 30 continue return end c - sorter C subroutine tri(array,iindex,n,irank) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c******************************************************************************* c Sorting of an array with the HEAPSORT algorithm (cf. W. H. Press et al., c "Numerical Recipes", Cambridge(1986), p. 229 - 235. c******************************************************************************* dimension array(n),iindex(n),irank(n) c *** "indexing" call sindex(n,array,iindex) c *** "ranking" call srank(n,iindex,irank) return end *############################################################################### subroutine sindex(n,array,iindex) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c******************************************************************************* c indexes an array ARRAY of length N, i. e. outputs the array IINDEX such c that ARRAY(IINDEX(J)) is in ascending order for J=1,2,...,N. The input c quantities N and ARRAY are not changed. c******************************************************************************* dimension array(n),iindex(n) c *** initialize the index array with consecutive integers do 1, j=1,n iindex(j) = j 1 continue ctc if(n.eq.1) return c *** heapsort algorithm l = n/2+1 ir = n 10 continue if ( then l = l-1 indext = iindex(l) q = array(indext) else indext = iindex(ir) q = array(indext) iindex(ir) = iindex(1) ir = ir-1 if (ir.eq.1) then iindex(1) = indext return end if end if i = l j = l+l 20 if ( then if ( then if (array(iindex(j)).lt.array(iindex(j+1))) j = j+1 end if if ( then iindex(i) = iindex(j) i = j j = j+j else j = ir+1 end if go to 20 end if iindex(i) = indext go to 10 end *############################################################################### subroutine srank(n,iindex,irank) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c******************************************************************************* c Given IINDEX of length N as output from the routine INDEX, this routine c returns an array IRANK, the corresponding table of ranks c******************************************************************************* dimension iindex(n), irank(n) do 1 j=1,n irank(iindex(j)) = j 1 continue return end