read from configurational file (if 'NULL' then start anew): config Write on configurational file: config Give the initial configuration a perturbation: 0.01 Desired relative accuracy: 2.5D-3 How frequently print out the current status (also in file "rep"): 1 How frequently write on configurational file: 100 (BXMIN BXMAX BYMIN BYMAX BZMIN BZMAX) of the target box: 0. 50. -20. 20. -25. 25. Number of spatial points in the target box-region that you want to randomly sample besides default corners(8), face centers(6) and body center(1): 0 Random number generator seed: 2001 (AXMIN AXMAX AYMIN AYMAX AZMIN AZMAX) of the solenoid box: -300 0. -150. 150. -150. 150. **************************************************************** Adding how many solenoids: 1 Guess: Current density (ampere per cm) passing the solenoid: -20000. X: order of polynomials 3 Y: order of polynomials 3 Z: order of polynomials 3 R: order of polynomials 6 Guess: (X,Y,Z,R) of the first coil: -128. 0. -130. 40. Guess: (X,Y,Z,R) of the last coil: -128. 0. 130. 40. **************************************************************** Upgrade how many solenoids: 1 Solenoid index: 1 X: order of polynomials 6 Y: order of polynomials 6 Z: order of polynomials 6 R: order of polynomials 10 -------------------- end of input file -------------------------------